Cost & Requirements

ONC Certified

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Vendor: Medaxion, Inc.
Certification Date: December 7, 2021
Product/Version: Medaxion Pulse/Platform
CHPL Certification ID:
CMS EHR Certification ID: 0015E85VWN3Z44P

Certified Criteria:
170.315 (a)(1) Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) – medications
170.315 (a)(2) Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) – laboratory
170.315 (a)(3) Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) – diagnostic imaging
170.315(a)(4) Drug-drug, drug-allergy interaction checks for CPOE
170.315(a)(5) Demographics
170.315(a)(12) Family health history
170.315(a)(14) Implantable device list
170.315(b)(10) Electronic health information export
170.315(d)(1) Authentication, access control, authorization
170.315(d)(2) Auditable events and tamper-resistance
170.315(d)(3) Audit report(s)
170.315(d)(4) Amendments
170.315(d)(5) Automatic access time-out
170.315(d)(6) Emergency access
170.315(d)(7) End-user device encryption
170.315(d)(8) Integrity
170.315(d)(9) Trusted connection
170.315(d)(12) Encrypt authentication credentials
170.315(d)(13) Multi-factor authentication
170.315(e)(3) Patient health information capture
170.315(g)(3) Safety-enhanced design
170.315(g)(4) Quality system management
170.315(g)(5) Accessibility-centered design

General Costs:
Training and implementation fees.
Specific integration fees for any customized facility or practice integrations requested by the licensed practice.

Additional Software: None.

Technical Requirements:
Medaxion Pulse Platform requires a modern, supported web browser compliant the latest adopted standards, e.g. the current stable released version of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Medaxion recommends the use of Google Chrome (latest stable version) for the best possible UI experience.

Two-factor authentication in Medaxion Pulse Platform products
Medaxion Pulse Platform implements multi-factor authentication for clinical user access and supports supplementary mechanisms such as OAUTH/OIDC authentication providers.